1 (519) 660 - 6726 malcolm@bluewatermediation.com


Are Agreements Binding?

Are Agreements Binding?

Transcript 1 min read (123 Words) Once you go through the mediation process and end up with a separation agreement. The question is, is that binding is it enforceable so let me address that as we're going through the sessions and talking about the issues. We're...

Children In The Mediation Process

Children In The Mediation Process

Transcript 1 min read (139 Words) So let's talk about how children's voices get heard through the mediation process. For many parents it's important that their children in some way have their views and preferences heard we can do that. By accessing resources that we...

Intake Process

Intake Process

Transcript 2 min read (378 Words) So let me tell you a little bit about the mediation process. If you decide to come without a lawyer. All of my cases start with an intake meeting. I have an intake form that I provide my clients. They complete the intake form and then...

Choosing a Mediator

Choosing a Mediator

Transcript 2 min read (254 Words) Choosing a mediator is a really important decision and I would suggest that in choosing a mediator. You need to consider the following: first of all what issues do you have is it? Are the parenting issues? Are they financial issues?...

About Malcolm

About Malcolm

Transcript 1 min read (137 Words) Hi I'm Malcolm with Bluewater Mediation and let me tell you a little bit about my background. I practice family law here in London, for 42 years. I retired from the law firm at the end of 2017. I've had a mediation practice for 17...

Why Mediate?

Why Mediate?

Transcript 2 min read (239 Words) So to answer the question why would you choose to mediate? I think the most important factor is the fact that it is, you making decisions for you and your family. Separation is an extremely difficult time. There can be conflict. There...

Elder Mediation

Elder Mediation

Transcript 1 min read (175 Words) So let me tell you a little bit about elder mediation. Elder mediation is bringing families into mediation on a proactive basis. Where there's issues that have arisen with respect to their elderly parent or parents, It could be a...

Estate Mediation

Estate Mediation

Transcript 1 min read (68 Words) Estate mediation is a way in which we can resolve the estate, and allow the estate to be administered, allow the estate to be wound up without the delays and the expense that the core process can often entail. So my clients find that...



Transcript 1 min read (166 Words) Arbitration is very different than mediation and it comes about in two ways. Parties sometimes have what we call a mediation arbitration agreement, which is simply an agreement that it's both process is you go to mediation 1st and if...

Should A Lawyer Be Present?

Should A Lawyer Be Present?

Transcript 1 min read (123 Words) Once you go through the mediation process and end up with a separation agreement. The question is, is that binding is it enforceable so let me address that as we're going through the sessions and talking about the issues. We're...